“You didn’t miss much, It’s just a mini-Westminster” she said, referring to the Canadian parliament… For the Australians in the audience however, it’s a far cry from the hole in the hill.
*Apologies to Sarah
Camera + Laptop + Plane Ticket
Our first day in Montréal took form as a quiet stroll around the Old section of town. The greatest challenge of the day was the search for a ‘good’ espresso to appease the various mid morning ailments suffered by the travelling party. On the way to a decent coffee at lunch we wandered around Old Montréal,
After finding a decent Espresso for Sarah, and baguettes for the hunger we visited the Basalisque Notre Dame,
Finally, as the sun drifted low over the city I walked through McGill university campus and up Mount Royal to visit the squirrels,
Click on each of the photos to see more!!!